
Systempuntoout: Discover link conversation using HotOrNot bookmarklet

Monday, January 30, 2006

Discover link conversation using HotOrNot bookmarklet

HotOrNot is a tiny bookmarklet for checkin who is talking about a link exploiting mash ,one of the coolest YubNub's command ever.
This bookmarklet uses four famous services like Bloglines,Google blogsearch, Blogpulse and Technorati.
Imagine you are visiting Jon Udell blog and you want to know who is talking around his post..just click on HotOrNot bookmarklet and your screen will be splitted in four with search results.

Drag this link HotOrNot bookmarklet to your browser's toolbar and give it a try.
I made also the corrispective command on yubnub (hon) ;highlight your url and call it with fastyub .


Jonathan said...

Great idea about putting it into a bookmarklet!!